The sources of the renewable energy – is it worth it?
In the age of new technology, where ecology and sustainable development are on the centre of attention, the designers are standing up to the new challenges. The sources of renewable energy are becoming much more popular than they were a couple of years earlier. Back to then, it was connected with big winds and solar farms or the companies which could afford green energy. The main reason were the high prices of the technology equipment which was necessary to construct the elements and machines which generate this energy. Nowadays, we can see the tendency of the prices of solar panels declining in the last 40 years.

That situation causes the investments in the renewable energy are becoming more popular these days. For example when you are in a small village, next to the big city, you can see that more and more houses have the solar panels on their roofs. The awareness of the utilisation of this kind of energy and the decline in prices have a good impact on the development in this economic sector.
Also the designers decided to take a risk and create some projects in a eco way. So that, many offices of the street furniture started to introduce the object in SMART convention.
Street furniture SMART for cities…

The society of our time is very bossy. The rush, lack of the free time during the day and need to be in contact with other people – those are the rules that create our schedule. Many of us works in a hurry – rushing from one appointment to another, and every second is worth its weight in gold.
The designers of street furniture did this. In the offices’ catalogues, the benches and solar stations in Smart technology are starting to appear. In the cities it’s more common to find an object which is equipped with a USB port or WI-FI modem . We can say, that objects like that are desired in the modern city space. When we’re waiting for a bus or our appointment, we can easily charge our phone batteries or check the news on our favourite websites. Widely open Wi-Fi creates an opportunity to get in touch or search for information, especially for the tourists or foreigners, for whom using their own web is very expensive.
… and for landscape.
Those objects of street furniture can also work in the open space, where no one even thought of it. We’re talking about resorts, campsites which are situated near lakes, mountains meadows, forest glades or near to the shelters. For many of you, this idea can be a little bit ridiculous. Let’s have a look at the advantages.
The lovers of sailing or hiking have always wanted to take pictures during their journey. Nowadays, it’s also easier and faster to use GPS on the phone then traditional map. The device which is most frequently used for this is a mobile phone. What if the telephone is dead? The SMART street furniture was created for the situations like that.
By using the new technology, the SMART objects were created. The further to the big city we are, the more sporadic utility infrastructure is. The places like campsites, lakes, mountains meadows, forest glades are the greatest examples. For this reason, the street furniture in SMART convention was created – to respond to the needs of modern society.
The benches or solar charging stations have been created in the SMART technology. Thanks to the solar panels they can appear everywhere, even in the most hidden space. On the forest glades, mountain meadows or in the lake’s neighborhood, the devices like those can give us an opportunity to use the technical goods like: phone charger or free Wi-Fi. The SMART devices can also be successfully equipped with an inverter, which provides 230V AC, such as this one that we have in a home socket. Thanks to them we can enjoy the trip. There is only one condition – those devices need to have an access to the sunlight. It’s not necessary to dig in the ground, make new utility infrastructure. Only a little sunny space and we can enjoy the goods of the technology.
Author: Aleksandra Skrzypek