The sources of the renewable energy – is it worth it?
In the age of new technology, where ecology and sustainable development are on the centre of attention, the designers are standing up to the new challenges. The sources of renewable energy are becoming much more popular than they were a couple of years earlier. Back to then, it was connected with big winds and solar farms or the companies which could afford green energy. The main reason were the high prices of the technology equipment which was necessary to construct the elements and machines which generate this energy. Nowadays, we can see the tendency of the prices of solar panels declining in the last 40 years.
Small urban architecture – fresh and modern approach
Intersections – par of Gdynia small urban architecture
Contemporary city is a great challenge for architecture, and especially for small urban architecture. Moreover, its inhabitants are demanding as well – they need something creative and functional at the same moment, something that will not only be another type of decoration, but it has to add a new qualities to their city.
We are more and more willing to attach importance to looks of our surroundings, things that we use every day and to our cities. It is demonstrated by the growing number of different festival about design, fashion and trends. During on of such festivals in Gdynia 2014 Izabela Bołoz has presented her installation called Intersections.
Intersections by Izabela Bołoz
Keynote here would be simplicity and playing with shapes. Rather simple geometrical figures combined together make something unique. Totally new connections gives you brilliantly refreshing idea in a city planning.
Intersections in Gdynia, made by Izabela Bołoz
Izabela Bołoz moves from conventional planning. As it was deservedly noticed during design festival in Gdynia – her project is balanced between architecture, design and art. Modularity of her project is a great advantage. Overlapped geometrical figures can be join in a different ways, what gives them functionality and thanks to that they can suits well needs of inhabitants.
Intersection – small urban architecture in Gdynia
Intersections has been put on a Feliks Nowowiejskis boulevard in Gdynia. The serve inhabitants of a city and the tourists as a place to meet, or to rest. Intersections were also warmly welcomed by the youngest – children treat this installation as a place to play.
Intersections in Gdynia
Project of Izabela Bołoz shows that small urban architecture can engage citizens, and it has grown into society. Thanks to its comfortable and functional form, Intercetion has convinced those, who like to stroll, and its design add a genuinely new qualities to this seaside city landscape.
Intersection were also shown all over the Europe: during design week in Milan, in Kopenhagen and on the Eidhoven airport.
If, as great German philosopher once said, architecture is a music of space, music made by Izabela Bołoz is unusual, but calm. Simple, but intriguing. Thought and free. Site furnishings designed this way are answer for the citizens demands and the bring new value to city.
Site furnishings surround us and they partially create our everyday life. Modern lifestyle often requires from us to live faster,and that is why sometimes we pass by astonishing examples of street furnitures. Only when we find a few moments for a reflection, for a Sunday walk with a family or our loved ones – that’s the time when we can notice that our landscape is made by certain elements, which combined together create a true charm of our neighbourhood, thanks to them our favourite corner becomes special. It can be historical city centre or small, quiet street or contemporary district. Some people prefer classical elegant style or contemporary functionality – both kinds you can find in offer of ZANO, manufacturer of street furniture.
Example of a site furnishings -two Mimesis benches in a Museum of Municipal Engineering.
Site furnishings – a step towards contemporary elegance
On a following pictures we would like to show to you how elements of site furnishings such as benches or litter bins can influence the image of certain spaces. During a stroll around Kraków, tourists and citizens can stumble upon our projects. Located in a Museum of Municipal Engineering in Kraków Mimesis benches add unique identity to that place.
Mimesis benches and Litter Bin located in Kraków
Benches without backrest, made of stylish wood and durable metal perfectly fit to that space. Without them, Museum’s squares would seem much more empty and uncompleted.
Mimesis Litter Bin on a square of Municipal Engineering Museum in Kraków
Mimesis Litter bins with a company of a statue on a Museum’s square present itself proudly and in a dignified manner. It is thanks to its design – simple and contemporary while still remaining functional and easy to use. Won’t be mistaken one, who will consider site furnishings as a part of art.
Mimesis bench and litter bin
Elegant and old-fashioned buildings are combined together with modern and simple, but elegant benches. This particular symbiosis of site furnishings elements and buildings of a Museum situated in a beautiful district of Kazimierz result with the one and only view.
We are glad to announce, that ZANO company has create another model of Orbit modular benches. Orbit products stand out thanks to their functionallity. New, creative design allows to adjust modular benches to your own needs – all Orbit modules are completly campatible with one another. New Orbit modular bench 02.453 has different shape, than two previous – it is based on a square, not on a semicircle.
New Orbit modular bench 02.453
Extraordinary design
New form creates new possibilities. Former models combained reasamble circle – now, you can arrange Orbit benches in much more different shapes! Examples of new solutions you can see on the pictures below:
Orbit modular benches
Example of Orbit set in use
Modular bench 02.453 – contemporary project and high quality
As you can see Orbit 02.453 makes it easy to create set ups that will light up any space – contemporary public spaces, shopping malls or historical city districts. Orbit benches are extremply populare due to high quality materials used during production. It’s up to client to choose between carbon galvanized steel or stainless steel, which can be paitned in any colour from RAL palette.
Orbit modular bench – novelity in urban architecutre!
In a ZANO catalogue appeared new, innovative model of a wooden bench called – Orbit. As a modular bench, Orbit can be combained in many interesting compositions to vary the space in which it is located.
Standard set consists of two modules – the left and the right. However, there is possibility of ordering just one of them. Orbit contemporary benches consists of wooden seats placed on steel base. Wooden planks are attached vertically, and on one side of a bench as well horizontaly. It’s up to clients to choose a kind of wood – it can be either exotic or domestic, and a type of steel that will be used to make a bench. They can choose between beautiful and durable stainless steel or carbon steel, that can be painted in any RAL colour. It gives a unique oportunity to “play” with colour, so the modular Orbit bench made of wood and steel will enlive any space.
Modular bench – beauty of modern design
Orbit bench modules can occur as a single freestending benches, and also combiend into structers reasembling semicircles and circles. You can also attach the bench to the ground thanks to the possibility of mounting with rawlbolts. Thanks to its modern design Orbit fits virtually into all types of indoor and open spaces. Construction of Orbis modular bench allows to parallel shift it to the wall, as well as to place it to the corner of the room. Because of its modularity and simple shape Orbit bench will suits perfectly in shopping mall. Our contemporary bench stands out with its elegant design and modern character. Uncanny conception of shape and design will certainly fits in any space, where Orbit modular bench will be located. The highest quality of used materials makes modular bench not only beautiful, but as well durable. Orbit bench allows to create new, bright ideas even for most demanding tinerior designers and landscape architects.
If You are interested in purchaising this bench, or You would like to recive more specific information – do not hesitate and visit our website now!
In the city of Olsztyn, Poland was established extraordinary investment in the field of modern urban architecture. On three streets were placed ZANO modern street benches with a plagues commemorating patrons of those streets: king Wladyslaw Jagiello, writer Maria Konopnicka and social activists Natalia Żarska. The initiative came from the citizens themselves, as a part of civil budget. Despite that, the project was preceded by a public consultation.
Creating plaques, that will also fit in with modern urban architecture, is a real challenge. ZANO company has raised to the challenge by inserting stylish plagues with short biographical informations about the patrons on the side of the
street benches. Thanks to such solution, it is considered easy to read those notes – it does not require bending. The commemorationg plagues were made of stainless steel, which will ensure their durability and classy looks. Moreover, each plague also has a QR code, that will link you to the website with even more informations about the patrons.
ZANO street benches: urban furniture on the streets
In the project we used an urban benchGrafis 02.437. This particular type of street furniture is ideal for lovers of modern design. Gravis is a wooden outdoor bench with legs, which can be made of three different materials: carbon steel, stainless steel or decorative concrete. Depending on the costumer’s request, seat can be made of exotic wood or local one. Concrete Gravis Benches, along with the steel version, look really beautiful in a variety of different colors, also they can enlive and add modern character to the urban space in which they are located.
Contemporary furniture brings enjoyment
Citizens emphasize joy, that the city is now enriched with a new urban furniture, that is not only comfortable, but as well educational. People also ensure, that they will submit the project for more investment in the next edition of the Citizens Budget.